Natural Pond Cleaner
Fragile Earth Aquaclean natural pond cleaner is formulated for use in controlling pond scum, algae and odour that commonly plague lakes and ponds. Aquaclean works in the entire water column as well as the bottom sludge layers. Aquaclean is environmentally safe and is not harmful to humans, plants or animals. Aquaclean is easy to use. Simply apply at regular intervals or as required during the algae season.
Aquaclean is NOT an algaecide and no applicator's permit or license is necessary.
When does algal growth occur?
Algal growth occurs when nitrates and nitrites become present in water, which is the food source for algae. When high levels of these exist, coupled with direct sunlight, all types of algae and blanket weed will bloom. The warmer the water is, the faster the algae and blanket weed will grow. AQUACLEAN works by removing this food source for algae, causing it to die away and also helping to prevent new algae growth.
What do the bacteria in Aquaclean do?
Remove blanketweed and blue-green algae.
Prevent algae regrowth.
Break down organic and faecal waste in the water.
Reduce sludge.
Clarify lake or pond water.
Eliminate ammonia and organic odours.
Enhance the uptake of nutrients by grasses.
Improve the aquatic environment for fish and wildlife.
Reduce ammonia salts and other contaminants.
Includes a strain of Lactobacillus to lower pH.
Safe for humans, animals, fish and aquatic plant life.
Control surface algae and blanketweed.
Break down organic matter at the bottom of the pond (faecal matter, unused food etc.)
When Fragile Earth Aquaclean natural pond cleaner is applied to the water phase algae blooms are controlled through competition. Aquaclean removes nitrogen compounds from the water column faster than the algae and as a result, the algae are starved out of existence and the bloom is inhibited. In addition, Aquaclean degrades accumulated organic waste, top scum and bottom sludge for use as carbon sources. The overall result is clean, clear water, free from algae, odours and sludge.
Fragile Earth Aquaclean natural pond cleaner’s effective biological also eliminates ammonia and H2S and prevents the development of problematic odours and tainting of the water.
Aquaclean is designed to treat the cause and not the effect.
STEP 1. Calculate your pond volume: Average depth x average width x average length 1m3 = 1,000 litres
STEP 2 Calculate the maintenance dose. For every 5,000 litres, this should be 4-8 grams per week depending on the accumulation of algae and organic matter. For example, a 3,000-litre pond could require between a dose of between 24 and 28 grams depending on how dirty the water is. Note: A teaspoon is approximately 4 grams.
STEP 3 In the first-week dose three times the calculated maintenance dose as calculated in STEP2. In the second week, dose two times the maintenance dose. Thereafter dose with the maintenance rate for the rest of the season - usually March to October.
Note: For best results, you should start dosing in March or when the water temperature rises above 10°C. It is important that dosing is regular throughout the season. When daytime temperatures rise above 28°C you should double the above dosing rates.
STORAGE & HANDLING: Store in a cool dry place. Avoid contact with skin. Thoroughly wash hands after use.
PRECAUTIONS: Keep away from children. If swallowed, consult a doctor and show the container label
PACKAGING: Container, lid and label recyclable
How does Aquaclean work?
Aquaclean is designed to treat the cause, not the effect, of pond maintenance problems. Excessive algae growth results from easily available food sources – normally excess nutrients in the water. Aquaclean bacteria digest the excess nutrients before the algae, cutting off the algae’s food supply and controlling algae growth.
Will Aquaclean harm turf?
No Aquaclean actually enhances turf health in the following ways: • The microbes used in Aquaclean are natural soil and water bacteria that are an essential part of the mechanism for the efficient transport of nutrients from the soil into the turf roots. • Aquaclean also improves the water quality of irrigation ponds by breaking down ammonia salts and other contaminants before they reach the turf. Common sense indicates that better water contributes to better turf.
Is Aquaclean safe for fish?
Yes. By removing ammonia and nitrite from the water, Aquaclean enhances the aquatic environment for fish and other wildlife. Aquaclean formula is used to enhance production in commercial fish, alligator and shrimp farms in Japan, Thailand, France, Canada and the United States.
How does Aquaclean control odour?
The bacteria in Aquaclean attack the cause of the pond odour, ammonia and slow decaying organic matter. By accelerating and stabilizing the natural nitrogen conversion reactions, Aquaclean greatly reduces or eliminates the release of ambient ammonia. Rapid digestion of accumulated organic matter eliminates foul odour. How does Aquaclean clarify water? Aquaclean reduces the algae population and digests floating and suspended organic matter that clouds the water column.
Will Aquaclean clear a pond of existing algae?
Yes, however, Aquaclean mode of action is to “starve” the algae by out-competing for a primary nutrient, nitrogen. Therefore, it is most effective when used as a preventive maintenance program, before algae start blooming.
What do I do if I have an existing algae problem?
Aquaclean is designed to be a preventive maintenance product. It is therefore advisable to start with a clean pond surface. This can be accomplished in the following ways: • Remove existing algae by harvesting. This provides the additional benefit of removing nitrogen and phosphorous bound within the algae. • Treat the pond with an approved algaecide. Great in the short term, but has many drawbacks for long-term effectiveness. Reduces beneficial microorganisms in the water and in the bottom sludge. Upsets the natural balance of the aquatic ecosystem. Wait 7 days after the addition of an algaecide before using Aquaclean. • It is important to note that certain species of blue-green algae have adapted to fix nitrogen from the atmosphere. Although this species can survive in nitrogen-depleted environments, they are only a small portion of the total natural algae population. And even though not effective against these species, Aquaclean will still cause a reduction in filamentous and other algae, digest organics and reduce bottom sludge and odour.
Is Aquaclean compatible with algaecides or pesticides?
No. Algaecides work well in the short term, but kill the natural bacteria in the pond that handle excess nutrient. As algaecides reduce the populations of beneficial bacteria, fewer nutrients are being digested and the potential for long-term algae problems increases. How do algaecides cause long-term problems? Nature regulates nutrient levels in ponds with bacteria similar to those found in Aquaclean. Continual use of algaecides will kill these beneficial bacteria, and over time the pond will lose its ability to self-regulate nutrient levels. The result is an out-of-balance ecosystem whose nutrients will support a large algae population. This can be compared to the increase in turf thatch and disease caused by the use of pesticides and fungicides. As with algaecides, pesticides and fungicides also kill the bacteria that are essential to healthy turf, and their continued use may cause greater long-term turf problems.
Is Aquaclean an algaecide?
No, Aquaclean is not an algaecide. Aquaclean is designed to digest the algae’s primary growth nutrient, nitrogen. It will not kill living macro-organisms. Aquaclean will help to re-establish a healthy, balanced aquatic ecosystem. Aquaclean is non-toxic, non-corrosive, and all natural and will not harm animals, plants, birds, fish or humans. What about aeration? Aquaclean bacteria utilize dissolved oxygen in their digestive processes. This utilization will not, however, affect the dissolved oxygen concentration in a well-aerated pond. Aeration will enhance the effectiveness of Aquaclean, as well as benefit all aquatic life present in the pond. It is recommended that all ponds without adequate dissolved oxygen levels be aerated. By digestion of free organics, the bacteria in Aquaclean dramatically reduce the BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand). In aquatic systems, this means that more of the dissolved oxygen is available to fish life, as less is required for the oxidation of organics. Thus, Aquaclean will enhance even an unaerated or poorly aerated pond.
Will Aquaclean work within the pond bottom and sludge layer?
Yes. Aquaclean’s bacterial formulation was designed to supply the correct bacteria for the entire pond, including the sludge layer. The sludge layer can be the largest contributor of nutrients to the pond for two reasons: • As organic matter (leaves, grass clippings, etc.) degrades on the pond bottom, nitrogen and phosphorus are realized to the water. • The bacterial populations in the sludge layer can be damaged by applied algaecides and pesticides flushed into the pond during rainstorms. Aquaclean will repopulate the sludge layer and accelerate the degradation process. This not only reduces the sludge layer volume but will also reduce the release of nutrients. It is important to note here that the copper used in algaecides and herbicides accumulates in bottom sludge causing an ever-increasing toxicity problem for natural microorganisms.
Are any permits or applicator’s licenses necessary?
No, because Aquaclean is not regulated under FIFRA. No permit or applicator’s license is required.
How is Aquaclean used?
Aquaclean is a pond management program, not a one time, quick-fix chemical addition. As such, it requires initial preparation and continued attention in order to provide optimum results. The initiation (heavy) dose is designed to rapidly populate the pond with Aquaclean cultures. Seasonal golf courses require only one initiation dose, while year-round courses should be done twice. The initiation dose is applied at a rate of 3 lb. per acre-foot of water.
What is the purpose of the maintenance dose?
Since Aquaclean is designed to be a preventative maintenance product, the biweekly doses ensure that the levels of beneficial bacteria remain sufficient to handle nutrient inflows. One must also remember that water outflow, irrigation, leaching and inter-species competition with less desirable bacteria, reduces Aquaclean’s bacteria numbers. The maintenance dose is applied every other week at a rate of 1 lb. per acre-foot. Because each pond has a unique set of characteristics that will impact the action of the bacteria, the length of time to achieve the desired results will vary from pond to pond. Remember, Aquaclean is not a quick-fix to pond management problems; rather it is a preventative maintenance program that will yield excellent results if followed diligently.
Can I use Aquaclean with Pondbrite?
Yes. Aquaclean and Pondbrite are complementary products that are used together in many commercial fish farming enterprises, using Pondbrite in addition to Aquaclean improves water clarity and restores pond balance, Pondbrite contains enzymes and minerals designed to sequester unwanted metals and pollutants and reduce BOD and COD. Their similar, but complementary blends of bacteria and minerals work together to give the best of both worlds, effective an long lasting algal control and clear odour free water.
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