Common Frog
The Common Frog (rana temporaria) is a medium to large sized frog. It is found throughout Europe except for the Iberian Peninsula, and Asia as far east as the Ural Mountains. It is also found on the Canary Islands, and in northern Africa.
The frog is a member of the family Ranidae, which contains the true frogs. The Common frog is also known as the brown frog, European brown frog, or simply frog in Britain and Ireland. It is a tailless amphibian with a short snout. The eyes are large and protrude from the head. The pupils are horizontally oval. The tympanum (membrane over the ear) is distinct and nearly as large as the eye. The hind legs are much longer than the front legs and are adapted for leaping. The webbing between the toes is well developed.
Adult frogs are usually brown, green, or grey in coloration. There is often a dark mask around the eyes. The undersides are white, cream, or yellow. The juveniles are often brightly coloured and may be brown, green, or grey with black spots.
Common frogs can reach a length of 7.5 cm (3.0 inches) from snout to vent, but typically grows to about 5 cm (2.0 inches). The males are usually smaller than the females.The frog is found in a variety of habitats, including marshes, woods, meadows, and gardens. It prefers areas with abundant vegetation and water. They are active at night and during the day.
The Common frog is an omnivorous animal. Its diet consists of insects, spiders, worms, slugs, and other small invertebrates. It will also eat tadpoles and small fish. They breed in the spring. The males arrive at the breeding grounds first and establish territories. The females arrive later and choose a mate. The eggs are laid in a clump and attached to vegetation in water. The tadpoles hatch after about two weeks and undergo metamorphosis into frogs after about eight weeks. Usually, only about 1 in 50 of the eggs will become a mature frog.
To increase the chance of your garden pond attracting frogs, ensure it is in a shaded position, and there is plenty of native aquatic plants around the margins and in the pond. 30 cm to 60 cm is a good depth for ponds suitable for frogs.
Common frogs are not considered to be endangered. However, they are threatened by habitat loss and water pollution.